A Wave of Enormous Planetary Influences ~ 5 Mar 2020

Given that Mercury retrogrades back into Aquarius and Venus soon saunters into Taurus, her home turf, and considering that in a couple of days the Sun and Neptune align, it’s time for some high-flying inspiration that aids in figuring out real world stuff. Over the next days as the Sun sails by Neptune in Pisces, strive to rest, to dream, and to conjure up visions for immediate application.

In about a fortnight, a parade of enormous planetary influence driven by the movements of Mars and Jupiter commences. Given that Mars gets up and gets it going, and Jupiter contributes a solid belief system, or hopefully serves as the predicate behind Martian actions, the next weeks promise one of the most monumental goal-pursuing, concrete-pouring, foundation-setting intervals of this entire year. For those willing to acknowledge the collective noise and still remain focused, diligent and driven, steps can be taken to ensure the remaining portion of this year bears fruit in yet unimaginable, exceedingly bountiful ways.

19 March: Mars conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn

The inspirations derived in the next several days, having had a couple weeks or so to stew, itch and prompt to get it going and get it going good. Remember Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and as such, his efforts in this sign tend to be favored. Martian efforts that sanction the conjunction with Jupiter at commencement of this current transit campaign receive even more sanction.

First, for Mars, ensure that efforts exerted function from an anger-free zone. All steps taken need to be for beneficial gain. Nothing in reaction to anything adverse. Eliminate all “let’s offset those losses” consciousness. Clearly thought, sequential application of talent and skill over time reap the best results. Mars might be a bit wound up here. Adrenalin could be flowing. Glands could be profoundly producing. Pacing is everything. Remember, this is a long haul effort that begins with the next moment’s first steps.

Jupiter’s encouragement for the days ahead: Remember your plan. Constantly monitor your efforts to ensure impeccable alignment with the statement of purpose, or a belief system that supports positive outcomes for the charge ahead, and underscores the vision for why you pursue what you do. Review mental mantras, recite action affirmations and refine efforts with every thought, word and deed.

20 March: Mars in Capricorn square Eris in Aries

This square could cause justified cringes and shivers of anticipation. It’s helpful to recall that Eris loved to hang out with Ares, which Mars rules. So surely there is an edge to this transit, but with effective application, it can accomplish the goals at hand, conjure new objectives and reach into the unknown to conjure even more.

What is the goal? To pursue all the things in life that contribute to a perfect fit of the soul’s presence in the body. The aspirations behind the reason for this current incarnation seek to steer all efforts toward things that feel natural and organic to your spirit. Everything else must go.

This transit seeks to eliminate comparisons that yield surges of vanity or bitterness. This is about you seeking and achieving what you need and want with no consideration of how your competitors, rivals or adversaries are doing. For your best effort, they must be perceived as irrelevant.

Cull activities, heavy on social media, that do not support the greatest goals you hold in your heart. Be conscious of shiny objects in the realm of status, society placement or laurels that must be pursued, but hold no gain.

22 March: Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Mars and Pluto demonstrate affinity by virtue of their co-rulership over Scorpio. Maybe consider this transit and time as a cosmic interrogative. The Cosmos checks your motives and ensures you follow your deepest soul-drive passions. Here are some questions to pose to yourself when no one else is around. Be totally alone such that one can vibe on your aura. There is an aroma to success, to contentment, and to following what drives your spirit. In this moment, this is solely for your savoring. Consider:

Can you feel the stirring of desire and drive within?

Can you feel what you know you absolutely cannot live without?

Is that true? Can you live without it? Better yet, do you need it?

What are you going to do to ensure the fulfillment of the soulful can’t-live-without-it stirring within?

Can you find comfort in the desire for dharma and the direction it leads you?

Can you let this thing get as big as it needs to be?

24 March: Jupiter in Capricorn square Eris in Aries

This is the first of three Jupiter to Eris squares this year. The collective notation: For politicians and world leaders, get your footing solid and your head clear. Eris works with Jupiter to escort persons to the door that fail to please Jupiter’s sensibilities and aspirations.

Personally, ask yourself: Why am I here? Does this location, situation, set of circumstances serve my best interests? If not, swiftly move along to environments that truly evolve your efforts and affiliate with those who consciously seek similar paths of evolutions. Allies are needed to take on the world, and the world needs to be approached with blazing perspectives and the offering of, and not the insistence upon, considering everything from an alternate point of view.

31 March: Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

Essentially, what you engage in this window is what you’ll be reaping at the end of the year. The Mars to Saturn conjunction stands at the virtual point where Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in December. This is huge.

Be careful what you wish for, as the old adage cautions. What you do wish for, engage with perseverance and persistence like you’ve not applied in... well, forever. This is a “do it or don’t” moment of life. If you want sanction from the Cosmos, do cosmic things. Do them well. Do them diligently. This is not a time for easing back on the throttle.

Two physical tips here: Take time to eat properly; hard work takes protein. When busting your ass on deadlines, rest sufficiently and do not exceed the capacity of your stamina.

4 April: Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Plutocrats unite! Okay, maybe not Plutocrats in the negative connotation, but this is a time to unionize all persons in the collective into clear, conscious choices that serve the best personal aspirations and make the planet a better place, too.

Create a solid economic plan. Is debt required to pursue major objectives? How much debt? Can that debt, those resources, be acquired without the sometimes sticky feeling of “owing?” Are your economic forecasts accurate and can you handle this debt?

Another thought here, in consideration for the compensation and reward heaped upon you by benevolent forces, what good faith efforts do you intend to return for such favor? Are you psychically good with what remuneration you receive?

Are you worth the money you make? Is your value recognized by those who render you compensation... and not only on the material level... but for your most unique non-tangible gifts and abilities that tender real world tangible results.

7 April: Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

This current transit wave concludes with a Mars-Uranus square. While some might forecast short-circuits, technical revolutions, radical innovations, the high side of this pattern asks, does this effort produce a benefit that makes everyone better off, more comfortable, and is it smart for the planet? High time thinking is demanded by this square.

So much chatter will be happening on the heels of all the above transits. Per Mars and Uranus, efforts will be made to rebrand and create fads that grab collective market share.

Are the products and trends really new or recycled? If recycled, does it currently apply and resolve present predicaments? On a personal level ask: Does this new, or allegedly new manner of behavior, indicate an adequate shift of consciousness to break the hold of the past on the present, and does it create the impetus and momentum to conjure positive results starting now and into the future?

During the above parade there will be heaps of demands, tons of pressure and lots of squeeze for performance. The key to maintaining an even keel capable of navigating even the most difficult of life’s sea states, is to stand by the belief system. Beliefs are the compass. When the course is set, life experience and wisdom align with those beliefs in the summoning of consciousness, which can then effectively be applied to constructive choices and lead to progressive efforts moving forward.

Over the next week or so, to engage the Sun to Neptune transit, propitiate to Pisces - to creativity... to inspiration... to visions... dare to dream. Propitiate to the Cosmos. Ask for wisdom and insight. When you get it, apply it without hesitation.

So one night not that long ago, I had a dream about an astronomer (could be an astrologer) setting up a telescope to view the Galactic Center to upload a live online post of the observations. The astronomer had to battle mosquitoes, the motion of the Earth, the telescope, and ultimately, a bug zapper. Next morning I got up and banged out a short screenplay. Seemed like this inspiration needed grabbing.

Last week I received word that the screenplay I penned from that dream took 1st Place screenwriting honors in the prestigious Phoenix Film Festival. That’s Galactic Center universe talk saying, “you gotta make this movie.” So I will. Over the next months I will be accruing the talent and production assets to produce this film, more than likely self-funding this project in addition to festival grants. When it comes to downloading the cosmic information out there... and you dream it... and the essence of the inspiration becomes creativity sanctioned, there is no other alternative but to fully engage! Is there?

More soon.